Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Show, demonstrate, display, exhibit, reveal

  1.   means to make known something which was previously concealed.
    • To display
    • To reveal
    • To show
    • To demonstrate
    • To exhibit
  2. This report   the accident to have been the driver's fault.
    • demonstrate
    • exhibit
    • display
    • reveal
    • shows
  3. A great man never looses so much as when he   intolerance.
    • shows
    • displays
    • reveals
    • exhibits
    • demonstrates
  4. Robert took off his shirt and   awful scars on his back and shoulders.
    • demonstrated
    • exhibited
    • revealed
    • showed
    • displayed
  5. My neighbor   good will when she promised to help me in the garden.
    • revealed
    • showed
    • exhibited
    • displayed
    • demonstrated
  6. The exhibition of pictures was criticized because the best paintings were not properly   .
    • exhibited
    • demonstrated
    • showed
    • revealed
    • displayed
  7. The map   the secret location of the buried treasure.
    • showed
    • revealed
    • exhibited
    • demonstrated
    • displayed
  8. Dobson looked up wondering at the agitation which the man   as he looked at the portrait.
    • demonstrated
    • revealed
    • exhibited
    • displayed
    • showed
  9. During the mountain climb the boys   great powers of endurance.
    • displayed
    • showed
    • exhibited
    • demonstrated
    • revealed
  10.   means to show or prove something by facts, actions or feelings.
    • To exhibit
    • To demonstrate
    • To reveal
    • To show
    • To display
  11. The soldiers   great courage in the battle.
    • exhibited
    • demonstrated
    • showed
    • displayed
    • revealed
  12. The aim of an art gallery is   its paintings to the people at large.
    • to display
    • to show
    • to exhibit
    • to demonstrate
    • reveal
  13. The doctor didn't   to the patient the hopeless condition of his health.
    • display
    • show
    • demonstrate
    • reveal
    • exhibit
  14. At the meeting the people   their approval by loud cries.
    • revealed
    • demonstrated
    • exhibited
    • showed
    • displayed
  15. Department stores   their goods in shop windows.
    • show
    • reveal
    • exhibit
    • demonstrate
    • display

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