Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Quiet, calm, still, peaceful

  1. Jack lay   listening to the sounds outside his cell.
    • quiet
    • peaceful
    • still
    • calm
  2. The empty house was absolutely   .
    • quiet
    • still
    • calm
    • peaceful
  3. All his troubles were over, and now he was as   as a clock.
    • still
    • quiet
    • peaceful
    • calm
  4. The air was   , as if a whirlwind had just passed.
    • calm
    • still
    • quiet
    • peaceful
  5. The doctor was a thin   little man.
    • calm
    • quiet
    • still
    • peaceful
  6. The man didn't die in a battle; he died a   death in his own bed.
    • peaceful
    • calm
    • still
    • quiet
  7. Please don't fidget; sit   .
    • quiet
    • calm
    • peaceful
    • still
  8. There are no large waves; the sea is perfectly   today.
    • still
    • calm
    • peaceful
    • quiet
  9. He woke up in the   hours before dawn.
    • peaceful
    • quiet
    • calm
    • still
  10. I decided to have a   day at home.
    • quiet
    • peaceful
    • still
    • calm
  11. The child was restless all night; he is   now.
    • calm
    • still
    • quiet
    • peaceful
  12. Keep   while I fasten your shoe.
    • still
    • peaceful
    • quiet
    • calm
  13. He tried to keep his voice   and without tremor.
    • still
    • peaceful
    • quiet
    • calm
  14. His face looked as   as if it were sainted.
    • peaceful
    • calm
    • still
    • quiet
  15. Stand   while I take your photograph.
    • peaceful
    • quiet
    • still
    • calm

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