Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Work, job, post, position

  1. His best   was done in the form of a short story.
    • job
    • position
    • post
    • work
  2. How long does it take you to get to   ?
    • position
    • work
    • job
    • post
  3. A lot of married women have   nowadays.
    • works
    • jobs
    • positions
    • posts
  4. Pat's   has considerably improved this term.
    • post
    • job
    • work
    • position
  5. Paul applied for a   of hotel manager.
    • work
    • job
    • post
    • position
  6. The program included several new   by British composers.
    • positions
    • jobs
    • posts
    • works
  7. Martha is constantly changing   .
    • positions
    • jobs
    • posts
    • works
  8. Some people say that this picture is a   of genius.
    • job
    • work
    • position
    • post
  9. She had to stay at home that evening and do all her   : cooking, ironing and so on.
    • jobs
    • works
    • positions
    • posts
  10. I want you to send me the details of the   advertised in today's paper.
    • post
    • job
    • work
    • position
  11. This is one of his latest   .
    • jobs
    • works
    • posts
    • positions
  12. There is always a lot of   to be done in the garden.
    • job
    • work
    • post
    • position
  13. She's got a lot of   to do in the house.
    • posts
    • jobs
    • positions
    • works
  14. The   was not hard and she soon learnt to do it well.
    • position
    • work
    • job
    • post
  15. There was no   to be found and whole families were starving.
    • position
    • job
    • post
    • work

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