Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Little, a little, few, a few

  1. Do many people know about this new bookstore? - No, only   .
    • a few
    • a little
    • little
    • few
  2. There are still   minutes left, so we can wait for Maria.
    • little
    • a little
    • few
    • a few
  3. A lot of people are coming to the party, but there are   chairs in the room.
    • little
    • few
    • a few
    • a little
  4. There is   furniture in the house; it's almost empty.
    • a few
    • few
    • little
    • a little
  5. There are   interesting stories in the book, but not many.
    • few
    • a little
    • a few
    • little
  6. Can you walk   faster? We are going to be late for the concert.
    • a few
    • little
    • few
    • a little
  7. The plate is not empty; there are still   pieces of meat left.
    • few
    • little
    • a little
    • a few
  8. It started raining   after midnight and continued until just after dawn.
    • a few
    • few
    • a little
    • little
  9. Is there is much water in the bottle? - Oh, no. There is   water in it.
    • a few
    • few
    • a little
    • little
  10. There is   snow on the ground this winter. The ground is almost bare.
    • a little
    • a few
    • little
    • few
  11. There are   apples in the garden because there was little rain this summer.
    • little
    • few
    • a little
    • a few
  12. There are only   English books in our library.
    • a few
    • little
    • few
    • a little
  13. There are a lot of forks but   knives on the table.
    • little
    • a few
    • a little
    • few
  14. There are just   pieces of furniture in this room.
    • little
    • a little
    • few
    • a few
  15. Can you skate? - Yes, I can skate   , but not very much.
    • few
    • a few
    • little
    • a little

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