Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Shut, close, lock

  1. Alan got angry and leaving the room   the door with a bang.
    • closed
    • locked
    • shut
  2.   means to make no longer open.
    • To shut
    • To lock
    • To close
  3. Doreen finished painting her nails and   up the manicure set.
    • shut
    • locked
    • closed
  4. Children! Will you please   your exercise books and look at me?
    • closed
    • locked
    • shut
  5. The chairman declared the discussion   .
    • closed
    • locked
    • shut
  6. Sue left the room, quietly   the door behind her.
    • closing
    • shutting
    • locking
  7. Tim came up to the window and   it to keep out the cold.
    • locked
    • shut
    • closed
  8. Many flowers open in the morning and   at night.
    • shut
    • lock
    • close
  9. She had a secret safely   in her heart.
    • closed
    • shut
    • locked
  10. The woman didn't want   her eyes to her husband's disloyalty.
    • to shut
    • to lock
    • to close
  11. Don't forget   all the doors and windows before you go to bed.
    • to shut
    • to lock
    • to close
  12.   your eyes and try to fall asleep.
    • Lock
    • Shut
    • Close
  13. It is midnight and we are now   down.
    • closing
    • shutting
    • locking
  14.   is to fasten or become fastened with a lock.
    • To shut
    • To lock
    • To close
  15. This road is   to heavy motor traffic.
    • locked
    • shut
    • closed

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