Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Hit, beat, pound, slap

  1. He was in fury. He   at the gate and demanded me to open it.
    • hitted
    • slaped
    • pounded
    • beated
  2. Some bastards have   Jim black and blue.
    • beaten
    • pound
    • slapped
    • hit
  3. The tree in our garden was   by lightning last night.
    • beaten
    • hit
    • slapped
    • pounded
  4. Police of different countries is often accused of   innocent citizens.
    • beating
    • pounding
    • hitting
    • slapping
  5. In 1962 Chile has won the World Cup by   Yugoslavia.
    • beating
    • slapping
    • pounding
    • hitting
  6. One of the bullets has   the police officer in the shoulder.
    • hit
    • slapped
    • beat
    • pounded
  7. He took a $50 note from his wallet and   it on the bar.
    • beat
    • pound
    • hitted
    • slapped
  8. He seemed unconscious. I   his face a couple of times, and his eyes half-opened.
    • slapped
    • pounded
    • hit
    • beat
  9. A car has   Jim on a crosswalk, he is in the hospital now.
    • slap
    • hit
    • beat
    • pound
  10. I often drive on country roads at night, once I even almost   a deer.
    • pounded
    • beat
    • hit
    • slapped
  11. I barely fell asleep when someone started to   on my door.
    • pound
    • hit
    • slap
    • beat
  12. At school Brian was   at least two times a week, no wonder he is not very talkative.
    • hit
    • slapped
    • pounded
    • beaten
  13. After the football training I feel as if I have been   up.
    • beaten
    • hit
    • pounded
    • slapped
  14. The uncontrollable car has   the brick wall.
    • slap
    • beat
    • pound
    • hit
  15. - Who has started the fight? - Well, it was me who has   him first, but he provoked me!
    • beat
    • slap
    • hit
    • pound

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