Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Offer, suggest

  1. For other breakfast things George   eggs and bacon, which were easy to cook.
    • suggested
    • offered
  2. Sam wasn't very happy to see Sabina, but being a polite person, he had   her his hospitality.
    • to suggest
    • to offer
  3. My friend   going on a trip to the mountains in August.
    • suggested
    • offered
  4. If I were you, I would take the first opportunity   .
    • suggested
    • offered
  5. I can   you a few interesting books to read.
    • offer
    • suggest
  6. When we left the dining-room, she   that we see the rest of the house.
    • offered
    • suggested
  7. Brighton is a popular seaside resort. I   going there on a day tour.
    • suggest
    • offer
  8. The weather is gorgeous. I   going on a picnic today.
    • suggest
    • offer
  9. The doctor   that she take this remedy every four hours otherwise it wouldn't do her any good.
    • suggested
    • offered
  10. Do you   that we print all this rubbish in our newspaper?
    • suggest
    • offer
  11. The director   that the teacher should get in touch with the boys parents as soon as possible.
    • offered
    • suggested
  12.   means to put forward an idea to think over or act on.
    • To suggest
    • To offer
  13. Why don't you   that Marcia should go her own way and not live on her parents?
    • offer
    • suggest
  14. The manager   you his apology for the delayed delivery of the goods.
    • suggests
    • offers
  15. Come on in! Sit and relax. Can I   you a cup of coffee?
    • suggest
    • offer

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