Тест по английскому языку Funny, witty, amusing, merry
- Онлайн тест №69 на тему «Funny, witty, amusing, merry».
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I wish I was as as uncle Jim, he can always come up with a funny remark.
English anecdote, unlike Russian, is a short story about real person or event.
Dan is not very punctual but he is enough to invent an excuse each time he is late.
His films are a funny and satire on British life in the 50's.
The French have an wedding custom. When the dance music starts they play a game in which dancing people exchange their shoes.
Some people say "Happy holidays" instead of " Christmas" to be politically correct.
I must call my parents to wish them Christmas.
Your naivety me.
- funnies
- merries
- amuses
- witties
I have motion sickness and now feel .
Though Tom often makes over me, we are very good friends.
She is a girl and her friends like her optimism.
He has so many stories, he makes me roll on the floor laughing each time.
If you want to read some really books, I can recommend Terry Pratchett.
She is such an interesting girl, she never stops to me.
When we speak of funny and people, one of the first names we think of is Bernard Show.
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