Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Funny, witty, amusing, merry

  1. If you want to read some really   books, I can recommend Terry Pratchett.
    • witty
    • merry
    • amusing
    • funny
  2. The French have an   wedding custom. When the dance music starts they play a game in which dancing people exchange their shoes.
    • amusing
    • funny
    • merry
    • witty
  3. Though Tom often makes   over me, we are very good friends.
    • amusing
    • funny
    • merry
    • witty
  4. When we speak of funny and   people, one of the first names we think of is Bernard Show.
    • witty
    • funny
    • amusing
    • merry
  5. Some people say "Happy holidays" instead of "   Christmas" to be politically correct.
    • Amusing
    • Merry
    • Witty
    • Funny
  6. I wish I was as   as uncle Jim, he can always come up with a funny remark.
    • amusing
    • funny
    • merry
    • witty
  7. His films are a funny and   satire on British life in the 50's.
    • witty
    • merry
    • amusing
    • funny
  8. Your naivety   me.
    • funnies
    • merries
    • amuses
    • witties
  9. She is a   girl and her friends like her optimism.
    • funnier
    • witty
    • merry
    • amusing
  10. English anecdote, unlike Russian, is a short   story about real person or event.
    • merry
    • witty
    • amusing
    • funny
  11. I have motion sickness and now feel   .
    • merry
    • amusing
    • funny
    • witty
  12. She is such an interesting girl, she never stops to   me.
    • funny
    • wit
    • amuse
    • merry
  13. Dan is not very punctual but he is   enough to invent an excuse each time he is late.
    • amusing
    • merry
    • witty
    • funny
  14. He has so many   stories, he makes me roll on the floor laughing each time.
    • merry
    • amusing
    • funny
    • witty
  15. I must call my parents to wish them   Christmas.
    • funny
    • merry
    • witty
    • amusing

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