Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку This, these, that, those

  1. I will make sure   you have everything you need.
    • this
    • that
    • these
    • those
  2. I liked Istanbul, I still remember   narrow streets where I got lost one time.
    • those
    • that
    • this
    • these
  3. I think I buy   shoes I tried on before, these ones are too bright.
    • that
    • this
    • those
    • these
  4. Didn't I tell you   playing on the street is dangerous?
    • those
    • that
    • this
    • these
  5.   month we're starting a new project which will increase our income by 30%.
    • Those
    • This
    • These
    • That
  6. What shall I do, this hat is too expensive and   one is too big.
    • these
    • this
    • those
    • that
  7. Our board of directors includes 7 members.   people control the work of a huge international corporation.
    • Those
    • That
    • These
    • This
  8. Where did you spend all   years?
    • that
    • those
    • these
    • this
  9.   problems we had 4 years ago are nothing in comparison with this crisis.
    • That
    • Those
    • This
    • These
  10. I'm glad to say   this year has been very successful for our company.
    • those
    • this
    • that
    • these
  11. Periodic table of chemical elements divides them into several classes. Elements in   classes have similar properties.
    • Those
    • That
    • These
    • This
  12. - Where is Edward? - I did not see him since   morning. He looked unwell today.
    • this
    • that
    • these
    • those
  13. When I was young, people loved their work. In   days everyone cares only about money.
    • those
    • these
    • that
    • this
  14. Please remember   thousands of people rely on your work.
    • these
    • this
    • that
    • those
  15. Speed of light is much higher than   of sound.
    • these
    • those
    • this
    • that

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