Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Finish, end, complete

  1. It is much easier to begin than   . (proverb)
    • to end
    • to complete
    • to finish
  2. Have you   that book yet?
    • finished
    • completed
    • ended
  3. If you continue to steal, you will   up in prison.
    • finish
    • complete
    • end
  4. All is well that   well. (proverb)
    • finishes
    • ends
    • completes
  5. The house will be   by next year, won't it?
    • completed
    • ended
    • finished
  6. Gina   writing an essay and handed it to the teacher.
    • ended
    • completed
    • finished
  7. Good to begin well, better   well. (proverb)
    • to end
    • to complete
    • to finish
  8. Joss   by agreeing to their proposal as might be expected of him.
    • finished
    • ended
    • completed
  9. Have you   doing your homework yet?
    • finished
    • ended
    • completed
  10. I have   all the letters except one.
    • ended
    • finished
    • completed
  11. How does the story   ?
    • complete
    • end
    • finish
  12.   is to complete an action or series of actions, to bring to an end.
    • To finish
    • To end
    • To complete
  13. Will the school building be   by the beginning of the school year?
    • completed
    • finished
    • ended
  14.   means to finish, to stop, or to bring something to an end.
    • To finish
    • To complete
    • To end
  15. You should go back and   grammar school and then go through the high school and university.
    • end
    • complete
    • finish

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