Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Swim, sail, float, drift

  1. Yesterday 63 fishermen were rescued from a block of ice   in the Barents Sea.
    • sailing
    • floating
    • drifting
    • swimming
  2. Not every sportsman can   across the English Channel because of its strong currents and cold water.
    • drift
    • sail
    • swim
    • float
  3. In some zoos visitors can   together with dolphins.
    • drift
    • swim
    • float
    • sail
  4. Local residents are worried by the smoke   to their homes from nearby factory.
    • floating
    • swimming
    • drifting
    • sailing
  5. Cats do not like water but if needed they can   well.
    • float
    • swim
    • drift
    • sail
  6. The fist step in teaching children to   is to make them not to be afraid of water.
    • float
    • sail
    • drift
    • swim
  7. If you want to   , you must learn to determine the wind direction.
    • sail
    • drift
    • swim
    • float
  8. You can easily remember the date of discovering America thanks to a short poem "In 1492 Columbus   the ocean blue."
    • sailed
    • floated
    • drifted
    • swam
  9. It appears that the plane 4065 has crashed above the Pacific Ocean - two hours ago a search helicopter spotted several fragments   in the sea.
    • swimming
    • floating
    • sailing
    • drifting
  10. I tried to touch a bright fish in the water but it turned around and   away.
    • swimmed
    • swum
    • swam
    • swimed
  11. Do you think pigs can   ?
    • float
    • sail
    • drift
    • swim
  12. Why can boats made of steel   on water?
    • sail
    • swim
    • drift
    • float
  13. Tomorrow we are going to   to Sicily on this ferry.
    • drift
    • swim
    • sail
    • float
  14. Seeds of several plants fall into water and the stream   them to a new place.
    • sails
    • floats
    • swims
    • drifts
  15. When I watch goldfishes   in my aquarium, it helps me to relax.
    • floating
    • swimming
    • drifting
    • sailing

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