Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Abandon, leave, give up, quit, resign

  1. Paul had   the work he had been doing for the last few years.
    • given up
    • abandoned
    • left
    • quit
    • resigned
  2. Can Maria have   our friendship? I don't believe it!
    • quit
    • given up
    • left
    • abandoned
    • resigned
  3. When Colonel Bridgewater   from the service, he rented a pretty little country place in Hampshire.
    • quit
    • left
    • resigned
    • abandoned
    • gave up
  4. Please   the documents with the secretary.
    • give up
    • abandon
    • quit
    • leave
    • resign
  5. The crew had   the sinking ship.
    • to resign
    • to leave
    • to abandon
    • to give up
    • to quit
  6. Dorian was resolved   his farm, sell his stock and leave the place.
    • to quit
    • to leave
    • to give up
    • to abandon
    • to resign
  7. It was so hopeless to clean those pots and pans that Marcia   in despair.
    • abandoned them
    • gave them up
    • left them
    • quit
    • resigned from them
  8. She rose abruptly and was about   the room, but Jack stopped her before she reached the door.
    • to abandon
    • to give up
    • to quit
    • to resign
    • to leave
  9. Doctor Leslie had recently   in order to take up an appointment on a Malay rubber plantation.
    • left
    • quit
    • resigned
    • given up
    • abandoned
  10. The teachers have   , they have decided that the boy can't be reformed.
    • quit
    • given him up
    • left
    • abandoned
    • resigned
  11. Jones Clark   as principal of the school last year.
    • gave up
    • quit
    • abandoned
    • left
    • resigned
  12. It was announced that Minister of Education had   .
    • given up
    • resigned
    • abandoned
    • left
    • quit
  13. Any purchaser is bound to ask himself why any doctor should   a gold mine like this.
    • abandon
    • leave
    • quit
    • resign
    • give up
  14. Peter   his wife and went away with all their money.
    • quit
    • resigned
    • abandoned
    • left
    • gave up
  15. Robert decided   his job at a grocery store.
    • to quit
    • to leave
    • to resign
    • to abandon
    • to give up

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