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Тест по английскому языку Huge, vast, enormous, immense

  1. There is a big bridge across the river and   fields on the other bank.
    • enormous
    • huge
    • immense
    • vast
  2. There was still an   quantity of goods left in the hold of the ship.
    • enormous
    • vast
    • huge
    • immense
  3. After his mother's death David inherited   wealth and became one of the richest men in the country.
    • immense
    • huge
    • vast
    • enormous
  4.   pieces of ice blocked the way of the ship in the ocean.
    • Vast
    • Enormous
    • Immense
    • Huge
  5. The expenses came to an   sum.
    • huge
    • immense
    • enormous
    • vast
  6.   means very large in a great degree.
    • Enormous
    • Immense
    • Huge
    • Vast
  7. During the avalanche   masses of snow were rapidly moving towards the small village at the bottom of the mountain.
    • huge
    • immense
    • enormous
    • vast
  8. To the   surprise of the boys they were allowed to stay up till midnight.
    • immense
    • enormous
    • huge
    • vast
  9. A   wave covered the boy and pulled him along with it.
    • enormous
    • vast
    • immense
    • huge
  10.   means very large or wide, great in size or amount.
    • Huge
    • Enormous
    • Vast
    • Immense
  11. We saw a   truck crash into a wall.
    • enormous
    • immense
    • vast
    • huge
  12. With an   effort he made himself rise to his feet.
    • huge
    • enormous
    • vast
    • immense
  13. He made an   effort not to tell her how stupid her insinuations were.
    • immense
    • enormous
    • vast
    • huge
  14. The river was opening and   pieces of ice were floating in the water.
    • huge
    • immense
    • vast
    • enormous
  15.   means much larger than usual.
    • Enormous
    • Vast
    • Immense
    • Huge

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