Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Pronouns (personal and possessive)

  1. I gave her my address and she gave me   .
    • she
    • her
    • hers
  2. They've got two children, but I don't know   names.
    • them
    • their
    • they
  3. Wait a minute. I want to have a talk with   .
    • yours
    • your
    • you
  4. I gave her my address and she gave   hers.
    • my
    • mine
    • me
  5. This is not my pencil;   is blue.
    • me
    • my
    • mine
  6. I don't know this woman. Do you know   ?
    • her
    • she
    • hers
  7. I want   to help Lionel with his homework.
    • you
    • yours
    • your
  8. Mary and Jim visit   parents very often.
    • theirs
    • their
    • they
  9. Why not speak to Jenny and ask   for advice?
    • her
    • she
    • hers
  10. The company has offices in many places, but   head office is in New York.
    • it
    • his
    • its
  11. Ron was awfully tired;   could hardly move.
    • his
    • him
    • he
  12. These are our photos and those are   .
    • they
    • their
    • theirs
  13. My textbook is at home today. Will you, please, give me   ?
    • you
    • your
    • yours
  14. Jane's friends are very kind people;   will help her.
    • them
    • their
    • they
  15. Gina gave   the wrong phone number just for fun.
    • he
    • his
    • him

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