Все тесты по английскому

Тест по английскому языку Say, tell, talk, speak

  1. I   it once more and then I will ask you to repeat it.
    • will say
    • will speak
    • will tell
    • will talk
  2. I   , Kate what about going to the cinema?
    • tell
    • talk
    • speak
    • say
  3. Sorry   , but your train left just a minute ago.
    • to tell
    • to speak
    • to say
    • to talk
  4. Jane   Diane that she was going to play tennis that afternoon.
    • spoke
    • said
    • talked
    • told
  5. I like the way Paul   jokes; he does it very well.
    • speaks
    • says
    • talks
    • tells
  6. Bruce has   us the truth, hasn't he?
    • talked
    • spoke
    • told
    • said
  7. I don't know what   you about the film; I haven't seen it yet.
    • to speak
    • to tell
    • to talk
    • to say
  8. Wait a bit! I have something   to you about.
    • to speak
    • to tell
    • to talk
    • to say
  9. Think today and   tomorrow.
    • talk
    • speak
    • tell
    • say
  10. John   good-bye and hurriedly left the room.
    • said
    • talked
    • told
    • spoke
  11. First think then   .
    • talk
    • tell
    • speak
    • say
  12. They   they could help us, but I am not sure they would.
    • spoke
    • told
    • said
    • talked
  13. Can you   me the exact time? - Sorry, my watch doesn't keep good time; it's fast.
    • talk
    • say
    • speak
    • tell
  14. I don't like David; he mainly   sport.
    • tells
    • talks
    • says
    • speaks
  15. Most teachers   shop not only at school but out of school as well.
    • speak
    • talk
    • tell
    • say

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