Тест по английскому языку Lonely, alone, single, solitary
- Онлайн тест №57 на тему «Lonely, alone, single, solitary».
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One in five families with children has a parent.
- single
- alone
- lonely
- solitary
How could you let her go to school , she is only 9!
- alone
- solitary
- lonely
- single
Not far away from here there is a black rock on the field. Where it came from, I wonder.
- lonely
- alone
- solitary
- single
I prefer a life, when no one distracts me from my thoughts.
- single
- solitary
- alone
- lonely
It is not a simple problem with a possible solution.
- single
- solitary
- lonely
- alone
Many writers need a place to concentrate and express their thoughts on paper.
- single
- alone
- lonely
- solitary
Our organization provides help to old people.
- alone
- lonely
- solitary
- single
I feel so sad and when it is raining.
- single
- solitary
- alone
- lonely
On top of the hill we found a old house.
- alone
- lonely
- solitary
- single
We are constantly moving from city to city, of course our children lose their friends and feel .
- alone
- solitary
- single
- lonely
Frederick is being held in confinement for robbery.
- solitary
- alone
- single
- lonely
Why are you following me everywhere, leave me !
- solitary
- single
- lonely
- alone
This famous writer never appears in public, it is known that he lives a life in province.
- lonely
- single
- alone
- solitary
What is this ring? Aren't you ?
- lonely
- single
- solitary
- alone
I was surprised to see Brian spending time with his family, he had always preferred a lifestyle.
- alone
- solitary
- lonely
- single
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- Offer, suggest
- The Infinitive
- Present Tenses
- Advantage, benefit, profit, gain
- Weak, feeble, faint, frail
- Different, various, diverse
- Present Simple Questions - Do or Does
- Suit, costume, dress, clothes
- Effective, efficient, skilled, experienced
- Continue, go on, proceed