272 английские идиомы на "R"
- Race against time
- Rack one's brain
- Racked with pain
- Rail at (someone) about (something)
- Rain (something) out
- Rain cats and dogs
- Rain check
- Rain on (someone's) parade
- Rain or shine
- Raise a fuss
- Raise a hand
- Raise a hand against (someone or something)
- Raise a stink about (something)
- Raise an objection (to/about someone or something)
- Raise an objection to (someone or something)
- Raise Cain
- Raise eyebrows
- Raise havoc with (someone or something)
- Raise hell with (someone or something)
- Raise its (ugly) head
- Raise one's sights
- Raise one's voice to (someone)
- Raise the ante
- Raise/up the ante
- Raise/wave a white flag
- Rake (someone) over the coals
- Rake (something) off
- Rake in the money
- Rake off (some money)
- Rally around someone or something
- Ram (something) down (someone's) throat
- Ramble on about (someone or something)
- Rank and file
- Rant (at someone) about (someone or something)
- Rant and rave about (someone or something)
- Rap (someone's) knuckles
- Rap with (someone)
- Rare bird
- Rarin' to go
- Rat on (someone)
- Rat out on (someone)
- Rat race
- Rate with (someone)
- Rattle (something) off
- Ravished with delight
- Raw deal
- Reach a compromise
- Reach a stalemate
- Reach an agreement
- Reach an impasse
- Reach first base
- Reach for the sky
- Reach one's stride
- Read (someone's) lips
- Read (someone's) mind
- Read (someone) his or her rights
- Read (someone) like an open book
- Read (something) into (something)
- Read (something) over
- Read (something) through
- Read between the lines
- Read out loud
- Read the handwriting on the wall
- Read the riot act (to someone)
- Read to oneself
- Read up on (someone or something)
- Ready, willing, and able
- Real McCoy
- Real thing
- Reality of a situation
- Rear its ugly head
- Receive (someone) with open arms
- Reckon with (someone or something)
- Recognize (someone or something) for what it/he/she is
- Reconcile oneself to (something)
- Red cent
- Red flag
- Red herring
- Red in the face
- Red ink
- Red tape
- Red-carpet treatment
- Red-eye
- Red-hot
- Red-letter day
- Reduced to (something)
- Reel off (something)
- Refill a prescription
- Regain one's composure
- Regain one's feet
- Regardless of (something)
- Regular as clockwork
- Regular guy
- Relative to (someone or something)
- Reliance on (someone or something)
- Religious about (doing something)
- Reluctant to (do something)
- Reputed to be/do something
- Resign oneself to something
- Resonate with (someone)
- Responsible party
- Rest assured
- Rest in peace
- Rest on one's laurels
- Rest on one's oars
- Result in (something)
- Return the compliment
- Return the favor
- Rev (something) up
- Rhyme or reason
- Rich in (something)
- Ride (something) out
- Ride herd on (someone)
- Ride off in all directions
- Ride on (someone's) coattails
- Ride roughshod over (someone or something)
- Ride the gravy train
- Riding for a fall
- Riding high
- Right and left
- Right as rain
- Right at (a specific time/place)
- Right away
- Right down/up (someone's) alley
- Right hand does not know what the left hand is doing
- Right off the bat
- Right on
- Right on time
- Right out
- Right side up
- Right under one's nose
- Ring a bell
- Ring down the curtain on (something)
- Ring hollow
- Ring in the New Year
- Ring true
- Ring up (someone)
- Ring up (something)
- Rip into (someone or something)
- Rip off (someone or something)
- Ripe old age
- Ripple of excitement
- Ripple of protest
- Rise and shine!
- Rise to the bait
- Rise to the occasion
- Risk of rain/showers/thunderstorms
- Risk one's neck (to do something)
- Rivet (someone's) attention
- Road hog
- Rob Peter to pay Paul
- Rob the cradle
- Rock the boat
- Rock-bottom offer
- Roll around
- Roll back (a price)
- Roll in
- Roll out the red carpet
- Roll up one's sleeves
- Roll with the punches
- Rolling in money
- Rolling stone
- Room and board
- Root (something) out
- Root for (someone or something)
- Rooted in (something)
- Rooted to the spot
- Rope (someone) into (doing something)
- Rotten to the core
- Rough guess
- Rough it
- Rough up (someone)
- Rough-and-ready
- Rough-and-tumble
- Round off
- Round off a number
- Round out (something)
- Round up (someone or something)
- Round-robin letter
- Round-robin meeting/discussion/debate
- Round-robin tournament/contest
- Round-trip ticket
- Royal treatment
- Rub (someone's) nose in (something)
- Rub (someone) the wrong way
- Rub (someone/someone's fur) the wrong way
- Rub (something) in
- Rub (something) off
- Rub elbows (with someone)
- Rub off on (someone)
- Rub out (someone or something)
- Rub salt in (someone's) wound
- Rub shoulders (with someone)
- Ruffle (someone's) feathers
- Ruffle its feathers
- Ruin of (someone or something)
- Rule (someone) out of order
- Rule (someone) with an iron fist
- Rule of thumb
- Rule out (someone or something)
- Rule the roost
- Rump session
- Run (someone) in
- Run (someone) out
- Run (something) by (someone) again
- Run (something) into the ground
- Run a fever/temperature
- Run a meeting
- Run a risk of (something)
- Run a tight ship
- Run afoul of (someone or something)
- Run afoul of the law
- Run after (someone) or (something)
- Run an ad
- Run an errand
- Run around
- Run around in circles
- Run around like a chicken with its head cut off
- Run around with (someone)
- Run away with (someone)
- Run away with (something)
- Run circles/rings around (someone)
- Run counter to (something)
- Run down
- Run down (someone or something)
- Run down (someone)
- Run for it
- Run for one's life
- Run hot and cold
- Run in (somewhere)
- Run in the family
- Run interference
- Run into
- Run into (someone or something)
- Run into (someone)
- Run into (something)
- Run into (trouble/problems)
- Run into a brick wall
- Run like clockwork
- Run low on (something)
- Run off at the mouth
- Run off copies of (something)
- Run off with (someone)
- Run out of (something)
- Run out of patience
- Run out of time
- Run over (someone or something)
- Run over (something)
- Run ragged
- Run rampant
- Run riot/wild
- Run scared
- Run short
- Run short of (something)
- Run some tests
- Run the gauntlet
- Run the good race
- Run through (money or something)
- Run through (something)
- Run to (an amount of money)
- Run up
- Run up (something)
- Run up against (something)
- Run wild
- Run-of-the-mill
- Run/go to seed
- Rush on (something)
- Russian roulette
- Rustle (something) up