303 английские идиомы на "A"
- A for effort
- AA
- Abide by (something)
- Abide by a decision
- Able to (do something) standing on one's head
- Able to (do something) with one's eyes closed/shut
- Able to breathe easily again
- Able to breathe easily/freely again
- Able to do (something) blindfolded
- Able to take a joke
- About time
- About to (do something)
- Above and beyond
- Above average
- Above board
- Above par
- Above reproach
- Above suspicion
- Absent-minded
- According to Hoyle
- Ace in the hole
- Achilles' heel (of someone or something)
- Aching heart
- Acid test
- Acquire a taste for (something)
- Across the board
- Act high and mighty
- Act of God
- Act one's age
- Act up
- AD
- Add fuel to the fire
- Add insult to injury
- Add up
- Add up (to something)
- Adjourn a meeting
- Advise against (something)
- Afraid of one's own shadow
- After a fashion
- After all
- After all is said and done
- After hours
- After one's own heart
- After the fact
- Against one's will
- Against the clock
- Ahead of one's time
- Ahead of the game
- Ahead of the pack
- Ahead of time
- AI
- Air (something) out
- Air one's dirty laundry/linen in public
- Air one's dirty linen in public
- Air one's grievances
- Albatross (around someone's neck)
- Alive and well/kicking
- All along
- All at once
- All day long
- All ears
- All eyes
- All eyes are on (someone or something)
- All for (someone or something)
- All hands on deck
- All in
- All in (someone's) mind
- All in a day's work
- All in all
- All in one breath
- All in one piece
- All manner of (someone or something)
- All night long
- All of a sudden
- All over but the shouting
- All over the place
- All right
- All rolled up in one
- All set
- All sweetness and light
- All systems go
- All talk (and no action)
- All the rage
- All the time
- All thumbs
- All to the good
- All told
- All-in-one
- All-out-effort
- Alley cat
- Allow for (someone or something)
- Almighty dollar
- Along with (someone or something)
- AM
- Amount to (something)
- Amount to the same thing
- Answer to (someone)
- Ante up
- Any number of (someone or something)
- Appear out of nowhere
- Apple of (one's) eye
- Apple of (someone's) eye
- Argue for the sake of arguing/argument
- Arm and a leg
- Arm in arm
- Armed and dangerous
- Armed to the teeth
- Armpit of (somewhere)
- Around the clock
- Arrive on the scene
- Arrow in one's quiver
- As a duck takes to water
- As a last resort
- As a matter of fact
- As a result of (something)
- As a rule
- As awkward as a cow on roller skates
- As bald as a baby's backside
- As bald as a coot
- As black as a skillet
- As black as a stack of black cats
- As black as a sweep
- As black as coal
- As black as night
- As black as pitch
- As black as the ace of spades
- As blind as a bat
- As broad as a barn door
- As busy as a beaver
- As busy as a bee
- As busy as a one-armed paperhanger
- As busy as popcorn on a skillet
- As calm as a toad in the sun
- As clean as a hound's tooth
- As conceited as a barber's cat
- As cool as a cucumber
- As crazy as a bedbug
- As crazy as a loon
- As crooked as a dog's hind leg
- As dead as a dodo
- As drunk as a skunk
- As dry as a bone
- As easy as ABC
- As easy as apple pie
- As easy as duck soup
- As far as
- As far as possible
- As fat as a pig
- As flat as a pancake
- As free as a bird
- As full/tight as a tick
- As gaudy as a butterfly
- As gentle as a lamb
- As good as one's word
- As graceful as a swan
- As gruff as a bear
- As happy as a clam
- As happy as a lark
- As hard as nails
- As hoarse as a crow
- As hungry as a bear
- As innocent as a lamb
- As long as
- As luck would have it
- As mad as a hornet
- As mad as a wet hen
- As meek as a lamb
- As merry as a cricket
- As naked as a jaybird
- As nervous as a cat
- As nutty as a fruitcake
- As old as the hills
- As one
- As phony as a three-dollar bill
- As plain as the nose on one's face
- As poor as a church mouse
- As proud as a peacock
- As quiet as a mouse
- As red as a cherry
- As red as a lobster
- As red as a poppy
- As red as a rose
- As red as a ruby
- As red as blood
- As scarce as hen's teeth
- As scarce as hen's teeth/scarcer than hen's teeth
- As scared as a rabbit
- As sick as a dog
- As silly as a goose
- As slippery as an eel
- As sly as a fox
- As snug as a bug in a rug
- As sober as a judge
- As soft as a baby's bottom
- As soft as down
- As sound as a dollar
- As sour as vinegar
- As strong as a horse/lion/ox
- As stubborn as a mule
- As such
- As sweet as honey/sugar
- As the crow flies
- As thick as pea soup
- As ugly as a toad
- As usual
- As warm as toast
- As weak as a kitten
- As well as
- As white as a ghost
- As white as a sheet
- As white as the driven snow
- As wild as a tiger
- As wise as an owl
- As yet
- Ask (someone) out
- Ask for someone's hand in marriage
- Ask for the moon
- Ask for trouble
- Asleep at the switch
- Assault and battery
- Assault the ears
- Assemble a case (against someone)
- Assume liability
- At (someone's) beck and call
- At (someone's) earliest convenience
- At (someone's) service
- At a loss
- At a loss (for words)
- At a premium
- At a sitting
- At a stretch
- At all costs
- At any rate
- At arm's length
- At bay
- At best
- At cross-purposes
- At death's door
- At each other's throats
- At ease
- At every turn
- At face value
- At fault
- At first
- At first blush
- At hand
- At heart
- At home
- At it again
- At large
- At last
- At least
- At length
- At loggerheads with (someone)
- At loose ends
- At odds (with someone)
- At once
- At one sitting
- At one time
- At one with (someone)
- At one's fingertips
- At one's heels
- At one's wit's end
- At peace
- At random
- At risk
- At sea
- At sea (about something)
- At sixes and sevens
- At stake
- At the appointed time/hour
- At the bottom of the hour
- At the bottom of the ladder
- At the crack of dawn
- At the drop of a hat
- At the eleventh hour
- At the end of one's rope
- At the end of the day
- At the expense of (someone or something)
- At the hands of (someone or something)
- At the latest
- At the mercy of (the court/someone)
- At the present time
- At the top of one's lungs
- At the top of the hour
- At this juncture
- At this stage of the game
- At times
- At will
- Attend to (someone or something)
- Attract (someone's) attention
- Attracted to (someone)
- Augur well for (someone or something)
- Avail oneself of (something)
- Avenue of escape
- Avoid (someone or something) like the plague