Идиома "cave in to (someone or something)" с переводом
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уступать кому-либо \ чему-либо, отступать, сдаватьсяПример употребления на английском языке (предложение)
My mother caved in to my request for more pocket money.Прослушать пример
Сохранить себе или поделиться:
Другие английские идиомы на букву C
- C/O
- CA
- Calculated risk
- Call (someone or something) into question
- Call (someone) in
- Call (someone) names
- Call (someone) on the carpet
- Call (something) in
- Call a meeting
- Call a meeting to order
- Call a spade a spade
- Call for (someone or something)
- Call for (someone)
- Call it a day/night
- Call it quits
- Call of nature
- Call off (something)
- Call on (someone)
- Call out to (someone)
- Call someone's bluff
- Call the dogs off
- Call the roll
- Call the shots
- Call up (someone)
- Calm down
- Can of worms
- Can take (something) to the bank
- Can't do anything with (someone or something)
- Can't see beyond the end of one's nose
- Can't see the forest for the trees
- Can't stand (someone or something)
- Can't stand/stomach (someone or something)
- Can't stomach (someone or something)
- Cancel (something) out
- Cannot see one's hand in front of one's face
- Cap and gown
- Captain of industry
- Card up one's sleeve
- Cards are stacked against (someone)
- Carried away
- Carrot and stick
- Carry (something) out
- Carry a lot of weight with (someone or something)
- Carry a motion
- Carry coals to Newcastle
- Carry on
- Carry one's (own) weight
- Carry over (something)
- Carry over figures/numbers/costs
- Carry the ball
- Carry the day
- Carry the torch
- Carry the weight of the world on one's shoulders
- Carry through with (something)
- Carte blanche
- Case in point
- Case of mistaken identity
- Cash cow
- Cash in (something)
- Cash in on (something)
- Cash in one's chips
- Cash on the barrelhead
- Cash-and-carry
- Cast a (critical/professional) eye over (someone or something)
- Cast an eye over (something)
- Cast around/about for (someone or something)
- Cast aspersions on (someone)
- Cast doubt on (someone or something)
- Cast doubts on (someone or something)
- Cast in the same mold
- Cast one's lot in with (someone)
- Cast one's vote
- Cast pearls before swine
- Cast the first stone
- Castles in the air
- Cat burglar
- Cat gets one's tongue
- Cat nap
- Cat on a hot tin roof
- Catch (someone's) eye
- Catch (someone) in the act of (doing something)
- Catch (someone) napping
- Catch (someone) off balance
- Catch (someone) off guard
- Catch (someone) red-handed
- Catch (someone) with their pants down
- Catch a cold
- Catch fire
- Catch forty winks
- Catch on
- Catch one's breath
- Catch one's death of cold
- Catch sight of (someone or something)
- Catch some Z's
- Catch up to (someone or something)
- Catch up with (someone or something)
- Catch-22
- Catch-as-catch-can
- Caught in the middle/cross fire
- Caught short
- Caught unaware
- Caught with one's hand in the cookie jar
- Cause a stir
- Cause eyebrows to raise
- Cause tongues to wag
- Causing a disturbance
- Cave in
- Caveat emptor
- CD
- Chalk (something) up to (something)
- Chalk up (something)
- Champ at the bit
- Champ/chomp at the bit
- Chance (something)
- Chance upon (someone or something)
- Change (someone's) mind
- Change hands
- Change horses in midstream
- Change of heart
- Change of pace
- Change of scenery
- Change one's tune
- Change the subject
- Charley horse
- Chase rainbows
- Cheapskate
- Cheat on (someone)
- Check-up
- Cheek by jowl
- Cheer (someone) on
- Cheer (someone) up
- Cheese (someone) off
- Cheesed off
- Chew (someone) out
- Chew out (someone)
- Chew the fat
- Chew the fat with (someone)
- Chew the fat/rag
- Chicken and egg situation
- Chicken feed
- Chicken out of (doing something)
- Chicken-livered
- Chickens come home to roost
- Chilled to the bone
- Chime in
- Chip in
- Chip in (money)
- Chip off the old block
- Chips and dip
- Chips are down
- Chisel (someone) out of (something)
- Choke (someone) up
- Choke (something) off
- Circle the wagons
- Circulate the agenda
- Circumstantial evidence
- Citizen's arrest
- Civil action
- Civil law
- Claim a life
- Clam up
- Clamp down on (someone or something)
- Class action lawsuit
- Clean bill of health
- Clean slate
- Clean up
- Clean up one's act
- Clear (someone's) name
- Clear a hurdle
- Clear of (something)
- Clear out (of somewhere)
- Clear out (something)
- Clear sailing
- Clear the air
- Clear the decks
- Clear the table
- Clear up (something)
- Cliffhanger
- Climb the wall
- Clip (someone's) wings
- Clip joint
- Cloak-and-dagger
- Close a deal
- Close at hand
- Close call/shave
- Close in on (someone or something)
- Close one's eyes to (something)
- Close out (something)
- Close ranks
- Close the books
- Close the books (on someone or something)
- Close to (someone)
- Close to home
- Close to the bone
- Close up shop
- Close/near to (someone's) heart
- Closefisted (with money)
- Cloud up
- Clue (someone) in
- Coast is clear
- Cock of the walk
- Cock-and-bull story
- Coffee break
- Cog in the machine
- Cold comfort
- Cold fish
- Cold hard cash
- Cold snap/spell
- Cold turkey
- Collect one's wits
- Come (someone's) way
- Come a cropper
- Come a long way
- Come about
- Come across (someone or something)
- Come again.
- Come alive
- Come along
- Come and get it!
- Come around
- Come as no surprise
- Come away empty-handed
- Come back
- Come back (into fashion)
- Come back to (someone)
- Come back with an offer
- Come between (two people)
- Come by (something)
- Come by (something) honestly
- Come clean
- Come clean (with someone/about something)
- Come down hard on (someone)
- Come down in price
- Come down in the world
- Come down to (something)
- Come down to earth
- Come down with (something)
- Come face to face with (someone or something)
- Come from (somewhere)
- Come from far and wide
- Come from nowhere
- Come full circle
- Come hell or high water
- Come home to (someone)
- Come in handy
- Come in low
- Come into (some money)
- Come into fashion
- Come into one's own
- Come of age
- Come off
- Come on strong
- Come on the scene
- Come out ahead
- Come out for (someone or something)
- Come out in the wash
- Come out of left field
- Come out of nowhere
- Come out of one's shell
- Come out of the blue
- Come out of the closet
- Come out with (something)
- Come over
- Come through
- Come to
- Come to a bad end
- Come to a dead end
- Come to a head
- Come to a pretty pass
- Come to a standstill
- Come to an end
- Come to blows
- Come to do/feel (something)
- Come to grief
- Come to grips with (something)
- Come to life
- Come to light
- Come to mind
- Come to nothing/naught
- Come to one's senses
- Come to pass
- Come to terms
- Come to terms with (someone or something)
- Come to the fore
- Come to the point
- Come true
- Come unglued
- Come up
- Come up in a discussion
- Come up in the world
- Come up smelling like roses
- Come up with (something)
- Come what may
- Come with the territory
- Come-down
- Come/go away empty-handed
- Come/turn up trumps
- Commercial law
- Commit (something) to memory
- Common ground
- Common law
- Common property
- Common touch
- Community property
- Company man
- Company town
- Comparative negligence
- Compare apples and oranges
- Con (someone) out of (something)
- Conclusive evidence
- Conditional sale
- Confide in (someone)
- Conk out
- Consecutive sentences
- Conspicuous by one's absence
- Contemplate one's navel
- Contempt of court
- Continue down to the wire
- Contradiction in terms
- Contrary to (something)
- Control (someone) with an iron fist
- Control the purse strings
- Cook (someone's) goose
- Cook (something) to perfection
- Cook (something) up
- Cook one's goose
- Cook the books
- Cool as a cucumber
- Cool off/down
- Cool one's heels
- Cop a plea
- Cop out
- Copycat
- Cost a pretty penny
- Cost an arm and a leg
- Couch doctor
- Couch potato
- Cough (something) up
- Cough up
- Could do with (someone or something)
- Count (someone) in
- Count (someone) out
- Count heads
- Count noses
- Count on (someone or something)
- Count one's chickens before they're hatched
- Course of action
- Cover a lot of ground
- Cover all of one's bases
- Cover for (someone)
- Cover ground
- Cover one's back
- Cover one's tracks
- Cover up (something)
- Cow college
- Cozy up to (someone)
- Crack a book
- Crack a joke
- Crack a smile
- Crack down on (someone or something)
- Crack of dawn
- Crack the whip
- Crack up
- Crackpot
- Cramp one's style
- Crank (something) out
- Crank out a paper
- Crash and burn
- Crash the gate
- Crazy about (someone)
- Cream of the crop
- Cream puff
- Create a stink
- Create an uproar
- Creature comforts
- Credit to (someone or something)
- Creep up on (someone or something)
- Creeps
- Crick in one's back/neck
- Criminal law
- Crocodile tears
- Crop up
- Cross (someone's) mind
- Cross (someone's) palm with silver
- Cross a bridge before one comes to it
- Cross one's fingers
- Cross one's heart and hope to die
- Cross out (something)
- Cross swords with (someone)
- Cross the Rubicon
- Cross-examine (someone)
- Crunch numbers
- Crux of the matter
- Cry bloody murder
- Cry one's eyes out
- Cry out for (someone or something)
- Cry over spilt milk
- Cry uncle
- Cry wolf
- Cry/shed crocodile tears
- Crying need for (someone or something)
- Crying shame
- Cue (someone) in
- Curdle (someone's) blood
- Curiosity killed the cat
- Curl (someone's) hair
- Curl up and die
- Curry favor with (someone)
- Cut (someone) a check
- Cut (someone) down to size
- Cut (someone) in
- Cut (someone) off
- Cut (someone) off without a penny
- Cut (someone) to the quick
- Cut a deal
- Cut a fine figure
- Cut a wide swath
- Cut above (someone or something)
- Cut across
- Cut and dried
- Cut and run
- Cut back
- Cut back on (something)
- Cut both ways
- Cut both/two ways
- Cut class
- Cut corners
- Cut down on something
- Cut from the same cloth
- Cut no ice with (someone)
- Cut off (someone or something)
- Cut off one's nose to spite one's face
- Cut one's (own) throat
- Cut one's eyeteeth on (something)
- Cut one's losses
- Cut out (something)
- Cut out for (something)
- Cut out the deadwood
- Cut the mustard
- Cut to the chase
- Cut-rate
- Cut/pare (something) to the bone
- Cut/slit one's (own) throat